Wednesday, June 27, 2012

0 R,Harry's Experience - 27-06-2012

Past one year at a software organization, has been a year of learning new technologies and applying different skills at different areas and blending according to the situation. After working for a year in IT sector, I cannot deny the fact anymore that IT sector is indeed a huge one; It isn’t because of the workforce it holds or the number of companies which are tagged under it, but because of the simple reason that the number of technologies it involves with. Every day you get to face a new challenge and you have come up with a new solution or implement a new process to get over it. One defect fixed and 5 more defects arise; that’s the beauty of IT (being modest).

I won’t get into much detail in the initial one, but on the outside lines I will brief up different software’s on which I had to work in past few months. Firstly, you might be interested in java programming and you decide upon going to some institute to learn. Some friend of your’s turn up and says: dude! java is old  stuff, go for Oracle. There starts the war in your mind; java name sounds old but Oracle sounds flashy. One must understand that for a normal website to work, it makes use of java as well as a database, which works at the backend. So if you want to develop a website, you must possess knowledge in both the technologies.
Immediately after getting trained in a technology, you might be wondering if you really have the skill to start coding on your own. There comes IDE’s to our rescue. IDE’s (integrated development environment) are basically software’s which make your coding simpler and at the same time help you to get better in the technology. There are many IDE’s, of which I have been using Eclipse for Java and found it to be really useful. You can download eclipse (any version) onto your system from internet and fiddle with it. You will find it much interesting than most recent Indian movies. 

When you want to connect your application to a database, writing the queries become a bit complicated as the application grows. Toad is another IDE which helps in executing queries. If you think writing queries in oracle is difficult, google for writing queries in ‘Torque’: a very simplified and effective way for writing queries.

Content here will only increase as I keep explaining about the software’s which are used in day-day life, but makes no sense if I just write everything in a single blog and nobody will have the patience to read a lengthy blog. So I will save the rest for another day. Have some fun with eclipse and see how easy coding gets!        

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